Exploring, Learning, Growing and Loving Life

In the life long journey of being human we need to share what we are learning to further each other's journey. Here I share my musings, learnings and convictions.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Physical and Emotional wounds

Our bodies were created with the ability to heal. Many physical injuries are made good as new if we take a bit of care and allow enough time but we have to cooperate with the process:

1. The wound is cleaned and not exposed to contaminants.

2. The wound is covered and protected from further injury.

3. The wound is exposed to the air, so it doesn't get overly moist.

4. The wound is not exposed to other wounds, so as to avoid cross contamination.

5. Sometimes, it needs to be treated with an antiseptic, or stitched, or otherwise treated.

Emotional wounds need care too. We can cooperate this process to by ensuring that:

1. The wound is not exposed to contaminants such as anger, bitterness, the wounds of others, hatred.

2. The wound is protected from further injury, perhaps through distance and careful decision making.

3. The wound is not hidden away to fester, but exposed (carefully) through sharing and acknowlegement.

4. The wound is not exposed to similar wounds, by combining/conflating all similar experiences as one and going over it with other people who have similar wounds.

5. Sometimes, a bit of outside help is needed in the healing process.

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